The well-known manga/anime Berserk, along with the Dark Souls game series have an art style that inspired our visual and auditory style, with the dark colour schemes and subject matter combining with the impressive landscapes and architecture. This is similar to the structure of our music – the lyrics are typically dark , vocals heavily mixed + distorted, and the beats provide a fast tempo and energy.
Since 2018, listening to Juice Wrld inspired me alot in deciding which genre I could fit into musically. I knew I wouldn’t be able to call myself a singer or a rapper so finding somewhere in between those two labels was ideal for me. The overall vibe of this album resonated with me alot back then, and the way the vocals are mixed very simply made me feel like I could make good music with just a mic and laptop.
Not only this album but all the work of Lil Peep and Lil Tracy have inspired our music due to the collaborative nature of their songs and the sampling of grunge style guitars. They were pioneers of this style on Soundcloud over the last decade and continue to influence me heavily as an underground artist and producer on Soundcloud.
The biggest artist who used to be a youtuber is Joji, and he is probably the artist I have been a fan of for the longest time. He is a great singer but also extremely versatile and is able to rap and produce unique songs that explore emotional topics.